Most people realize that automobile manufacturers make various changes from one model year to the next in terms of features and body style. What you might not realize is that they also have changed the materials they use, and that fact makes it important to choose an auto body shop that keeps up with the most recent changes.
Automotive manufacturing technologies are always adapting for a variety of reasons. With the push to create lightweight vehicles that will maximize fuel economy, there has been a shift to other materials, and there will continue to be changes. Keeping costs down is another reason, as many of the traditional materials have become too costly to use in large amounts. Of course, improving safety is another concern, so vehicles are designed to crumple during collisions while keeping the passenger area secure.
To give you an idea of the various materials used in automobile manufacturing that an auto body shop will need to know how to work with, here is a list of advanced lightweight materials either in use or currently being researched:
- Magnesium alloys- With a weight savings of up to 70%, magnesium is promising, but some issues need to be overcome before it is used more, including the lack of availability and higher cost.
- Carbon fiber composites- Half the weight of steel makes a carbon fiber composite worth considering, especially since it is four times stronger.
- Aluminum- This doesn’t fit the requirement to be less costly than steel, but it is lighter by up to 60%.
- Titanium- With a high strength-to-weight ratio and ability to withstand high temperatures, some automobile manufacturers are working with titanium.
- Fiberglass- There is nothing new about fiberglass, as it has been used for many classic cars. The Corvette comes to mind, right? You’ll find that an auto body shop is usually equipped to handle fiberglass repair.
- Plastics- Polypropylene and other plastics are used quite a bit in the automotive industry these days, especially for bumpers.
- Renewable and recyclable materials- Many manufacturers are working toward making more eco-friendly vehicles. Ford, for one, has focused on increasing the use of bio-based materials and non-metal recycled materials.
If you are looking for an auto body shop that is as adept at fixing classic cars as they are keeping up with modern changes in how vehicles are made, look no further than Father & Son Collision and Classic Car Restoration. We have more than 30 years of experience, so we’ve seen a lot of changes over the years. We have also kept up with technology and are often able to fix parts that weren’t fixable a few years ago. Count on us to breathe new life into your vehicle no matter what make, model, or year it is.