Are you thinking about rebuilding a classic car that you’ve had your sights on for a while? Whether you’ve inherited a classic car or you dabble in antique car buying and building, knowing whether the rebuilding process is going to work for you is important.
- Decide on Restoration Type- One of the most important decisions to make during classic car rebuilds is deciding on the restoration type. Do you want the vehicle to be completely original, or do you want to upgrade it with modern features to make it a more comfortable ride?
- Are Parts Available? Depending on the restoration type you’ve chosen, you’ll also want to make sure there are parts available for your vehicle. There is nothing more frustrating during classic car rebuilds than to discover that the part you need isn’t attainable.
- Be Prepared for Change- Part of the draw of classic cars is that they can be fun to work on! Older cars were built much differently than today’s standard vehicles. Those differences, however, can also be the reason you might have to change course when something doesn’t go to plan.
- Labor of Love- Perhaps most importantly, classic car rebuilds are often a labor of love. To truly do the job right, you want to make sure everything you need and want goes into the car. Even if you’re on a budget, remember to plan ahead with your money and time as your classic car comes back to life.
At Father & Son Collision and Classic Car Restoration, we are passionate about classic car rebuilds of all shapes and sizes. We’d love to work with you on your next antique car project. Give us a call today to get started!